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Liu Observer Volume 26
Liu Observer Volume 26 - Why are LEC's teachers irreplaceable?

Recently, many news reports on ChatGPT have sparked public discussion. The highly precise AI can even imitate well-known singers and create almost authentic results. Mr. Morris Chang, thefounder of TSMC, also expressed in an exclusive interview with CommonWealth Magazine: "Many jobs will be replaced by AI in the next 25 years." The rapidly changing technology makes us wonder, in addition to disappearing jobs, will the current lifestyle and work environment, and even the methods and purposes of education, also be affected?

With the advancement of technology, the first challenge teachers face is the change in their role. They have gradually transformed from the "arbiter of knowledge" in the past to children's "guide on the learning journey". Especially under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual classes have slowly become the norm. As teachers, we cannot help but wonder what are our strengths and opportunities? In the process of studying, teachers should teach children not only common knowledge, but also "how to obtain knowledge", "learning methods", and "how to learn by themselves", so that children can eventually understand the world with their own abilities. And we firmly believe that when we value how we as teachers learn and progress to be as important as how we educate our children, we teachers will then truly become irreplaceable.
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